Community Partnerships
Pop-Up Donor Center at University of Oregon
June 4 – June 13
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
University of Oregon
1395 University St.
Eugene, OR 97403
Free parking for donors available in Lot 29A next to the Erb Memorial Union.
In accordance with current social distancing guidelines, only scheduled appointments will be allowed. The University of Oregon campus remains closed to the public. No walk-ins, guests, or people under age 16 are permitted onsite. Donors are asked to bring a mask to their donation. On the day of your appointment, donors are encouraged to wear their university gear in solidarity. All blood types are urgently needed, but Type O is especially in demand.
Donor Perks
All donors will receive one (1) voucher for a free Papa’s Pizza personal pizza.
What is a Pop-Up Donor Center?
In order to follow social distancing requirements we have temporarily cancelled mobile blood drives. A Pop-Up is a temporary center that has the required space to ensure we can properly distance our staff and donors safely and per the CDC and FDA requirements. They are at least 1000 square feet and allow for our equipment to remain set up overnight for generally 4-6 weeks.
How do the donations help the local community?
Donors of all blood types are still needed every day to make an appointment to give blood in support of cancer patients, trauma victims, premature babies, or to treat severely ill COVID-19 patients, among others. Donation support local hospital such as PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center University District and McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center.
Have any questions? Contact us.