Donor QuickPass
Step One: Educational Materials
Please read the following information carefully to ensure blood donation is safe for you and for the patients who may receive your blood, and check the boxes to confirm your understanding. Open the Blood Donation Educational Materials PDF in a new tab on your browser. Please keep them open – you will need to refer to them when responding to the health history questions. If you have any questions about anything you read here, please bring it up with our staff when you arrive for your donation.
Blood Donation Educational Materials (PDF)
- I have read and understand the Blood Donor Educational Materials
- I am in a private setting, and will answer the questions without input from anyone else.
- I am completing this interview on the day of my blood donation.
- 16 & 17 Year Old Donors – Parental Consent Form (PDF)
I have read and understand Parental Consent Form.
- 16 & 17 Year Old Donors – Parental Consent Form (PDF)